Sunday, February 24, 2013

Senses of a Lost Love

Aching feeling when I hear your voice
Imagining your lips moving, but I can no longer taste them
Nor can I smell your scent
I remember the strength
Of your arms around me
The protection I felt
Alpha quality
Neither space nor time can change what I feel
The respect
The love
Yes, I truly love this man
It didn't take distance and states to realize this
But mistakes
And circumstances
To thirst for that bliss
Knowing in my heart of hearts
That if I was again given the desires of my soul
To be united with you
By all senses
I will forever be true
Man and wife
For I've had a taste of the bitter pill called "Life...
Without you"
It's Rotten
Harsh and sharp
Flavors I can't fathom to savor
Those I never want to experience again
Being without my greatest love
The one my mind sees as
My man

Written by Kesh
-Feb 22, 2013

(c) 2013 NixRises All Rights Reserved

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Pothole-Coated Road

Pothole-Coated Road

Twists & turns on a pothole-coated road
The goodyear's wearing thin
Such an unexpected roller coaster ride
What was to be a wondrous journey
Has my stomach upset
My face grim

I look around
There's no one beside me
Not a soul for my sight
Silence fills the air
The fog
Cotton ball thick on this night
And the chill...
It envelopes me
Like a heavy blanket of despair

I roll up the windows
As I travel slowly along
Cautiously moving forward
Prepared for any sudden moves
Daring the night to move
Wanting the night to move
Only then will I have company
Instead of this nagging

No music
No laughter
Dried tears creating a crusty face
I choke back the many more that want to fall
As fear builds up
Fear of the unknown
Fear of what lies ahead
On this
Fog surrounded
Darkness covered road

Written by Kesh
February 8, 2013

(c) 2013 NixRises All Rights Reserved